Artsakh has lost HPPs with an installed capacity of 112.5 MW

13 Jan 2021

After the war Artsakh loses 112.5 MW hydropower plants

As a result of the war, Artsakh has lost HPPs with an installed capacity of 112.5 MW, including:

  • "Sarsang" HPP 50 MW,
  • 4 HPPs: 12-13 MW,
  • 1 HPP` 12 MW.

Before the war, there were 187.5 MW hydropower plants in the Artsakh Republic, but as a result, 75 MW hydropower plants remained.

According to the initial energy balance for 2021, it was planned to import 330 million kWh of electricity from Artsakh to Armenia, but it will be replaced by electricity produced from the internal resources of Armenia.

In Artsakh, except for the Martuni region, the electricity supply for the community is completely restored.Unfortunately, it should be noted that the electricity produced in Artsakh does not satisfy the entire population.