Europe Days 2019 in Dilijan

18 May 2019

The "Armenian Energy Agency" introduced the "Bright Border" charity project at the Europe Day.

Today, May 18, Dilijan hosted the Europe Days. The "Bright Border" project was among those presented at the forum. The AEA foundation team was acompanied by our fellow volunteers who have worked on LEDification of Koti and Berdavan villages and are equipped with basic knowledge on Energy Saving and Efficiency. They were happy to present the project to visitors, share their knowledge on LED Lighting, energy efficiency and energy sector developments. The interactive forum included on-the-spot comparison of LED energy-efficient and incandescent lamps․ In this project stage, all permanent households of Koti and Berdavan frontier villages in Tavush were provided 5 LED lamps each, amounting to 6750 LED lamps to 1350 households.

From December 1, 2018, until May 31, 2019, the "Bright Border" project will be executed with the sub-grant implemented in the frames of Bridge4CSOs project led by AGBU in partnership with EPF and funded by the European Union.

The partner of Bright border project is ''Young Engineering Association'' NGO.

As every year the visitors of Europe Days forum had the opportunity to learn more about Europe and European Union-funded projects in Armenia, to get acquainted with project achievements, enjoyed good music, participated in various contests and received surprises. The event was welcomed by the EU Ambassador Pyotr Svitalski and Mayor of Dilijan, Armen Santrosyan.