The foundation sponsored the "Dream Camp" initiative

28 Aug 2019

"Armenian Energy Agency" Foundation also joined the "Dream Camp" initiative this year

Every year World Vision organizes a summer camp - "Dream Camp" for children from vulnerable families of regions of Armenia. The camp is held at the "Zepyur" Hotel in village Hankavan. Professionals and coaches empower children by teaching essential life skills, like disaster preparedness and first aid, and increasing knowledge of children’s rights protection. For most of these children, Dream Camp is their only opportunity to leave their villages and spend a special holiday in a new, healthy environment. In the camp, they can make friends, gain new life skills and aspire to a better future.

Like every year this year also many pieces of training and informative seminars have been organized for participants. For example, during the Aid courses, children were taught how to guard against snakes and dogs. This year the camp hosted 1700 children. Part of the cost of each child's 7-day camping trip is funded by World Vision Armenia, and the rest are donated by different corporate partners on the campaign.

"Armenian Energy Agency" Foundation is also a corporate partner of the World Vision. Together with Veolia Djur CJSC and Electric Networks of Armenia CJSC, the Foundation has sponsored the participation of 20 children in the 7-day camp. On 27 August the Armenian Energy Agency Foundation visited the camp and carried out team building with children. The Foundation organized a seminar and screened an educational presentation on energy efficiency mechanisms and renewable energy, which followed up with active questions and answers. At the end of the seminar the Foundation distributed posters of important tips on energy saving to all participating children of the "Dream Camp".