One more border village Sevkar has been ledified

09 Nov 2019

Within the framework "Bright Border" charity program implemented by "Armenian Energy Agency" foundation one more border village has been ledified

We are delighted to announce that within the framework "Bright Border" charity program one more border village was ledified. On November 9 our team visited the Sevkar border community in Tavush Region.
This phase of the "Bright Border" charity program of the "Armenian Energy Agency" Foundation has been implemented by donations from the "Family to Family" initiative and the EU Civil Society: "Energy Efficiency in Armenian Communities” project with the support of the National Social Housing Association sub-grant. On behalf of the Foundation, we thank all those who supported and participated in this social responsibility mission in the border villages.
Particularly, we are grateful to the National Social Housing Association Foundation, Sevkar Municipality, the Young Engineers Association NGO, our beloved volunteers at universities and high schools, and to the donors of the Family-to-Family Initiative. Let us tell you that more than 6,600 families from 30 border villages have already received around 33,000 high quality, laboratory tested LED lamps with a three-year service warranty. On average, annual energy savings within these 30 communities total over 4.3 million kWh (195 million drams).

Sevkar community is located in 6km distance far from the state border of the Republic of Armenia. The territory is 4790 hectares. The main occupation of Sevkar population is agriculture, particularly cattle-breeding and horticulture.